Real Property, Business & Government Law Firm
At Pierce Law Firm provide highest level of service in prompt, cost effective manner. We represent public agencies, corporations, individuals, and non-profits in range for issues involving litigation and litigation avoidance. While the cost effective resolution to dispute is usually negotiated compromise, as time you trial attorney to completely vindicate your rights.
Brad Pierce is trial attorney with extensive experience in complex litigation actions. Known for effectively communicating his clients’ positions with as judges and juries alike, has successfully handled wide variety of real property and business disputes. He has successfully prosecuted jury trials, handled appeals, writs and numerous public meetings.
The Pierce Law Firm has extensive experience representing governmental entities and private property and business own in cases involving eminent domain, inverse condemnation and property rights disputes.
The firm handles issues unique to public agencies and the elected officials including conflict of interest allegations; Brown act; and Public Records Act disputes. The firm also practices areas business, and commercial litigation involving complex business issues real property disputes, easement rights, property rights, land use, zoning, are development impact fees and related issues.

Bradley D. Pierce, Esq.
Telephone (714) 449-3333
Whether owners have disputes with government entities or neighboring owners, are prepared to meet their needs.
Our eminent domain practice overlaps with our property rights and government work; however, because eminent domain comprises 90% of practice.
Mediation, arbitration and negotiation are almost always the most cost effective and expedient method to resolve disputes.
The Pierce Law Firm handles cases for individuals, elected officials and public entities.